Around the Pittsburgh NABA:
The Bulldogs beat the Rebels 6-1 on Wednesday.
The Ducks' roster has been posted in its entirety. South Oakland leads the league in players with 22.
Injuries to Tom Pusateri, and Chris Roth have limited their availability. Brett Pusateri's Series of Unfortunate Events has kept him out of the lineup since early May. Gregg Campbell has disappeared off the face of the earth, and Bill Francisco-Cabrera has been unavailable to tell us how to play since the disgrace that was the second Eagles' game.
We haven't seen the last of Brett, and hopefully Chris.
I hope Gregg has not been kidnapped, some things are more important than amateur baseball.
There are players on our team who, after twelve games, still have not met .
Apparently, a member of the OwlZ's front office changed the spelling of their team name on the main NABA page to contain a "Z" instead of the traditional "S".
Since the days of Shakespeare, the letter "s" has been used to denote the plurality of nouns, albeit in a less Xtreme and phonetically intimidating manner than the letter "z".
The OwlZ lead the league in Playaz
I do own the Redman album "Dare Iz a Dark Side", it is solid, and if the OwlZ are going with the "z" as an ode to Redman, I'm all for it. Whateva, Man.
Hip Hop videos used to be different.
In other news, We should seek a sponsorship from Subway.