The Ghostbusters fall ball team is still recruiting players, and will begin play on September 9th with an eye towards ultimately bolstering the Ducks' 2009 lineup. South Oakland Duck, Captain America, Mark "Last Thoughts on Woody" Guthrie will play on Brian Strom's Orange fall ball team, in an undercover effort to attract free agent pitchers drafted by the Bulldogs assistant coach.
Fall Ball spots are still available sign up here: Fall Ball

The Pittsburgh Blues all-star team will invade the Virginia boarder on August 30th, and begin their domination of the Blue-Grey Classic, wood bat tournament, which appears to have been named by a person who doesn't realize the Civil War was not so much a "classic" as it was an abomination. Clearly the darkest time in American history. There's even a confederate flag on the tournament logo. The tournament takes place south of the Mason Dixon line, and Virginia is the relative latitudinal center of the east coast, but why continue to divide the north and south into Blue and Gray? Why not just call it the North-South Classic? or The Battle for Control of the Area Denoted by a Sudden Shift to a Heavy NASCAR Fan Demographic?
We need to break down these barriers.
In addition to a fun weekend of baseball, I'm excited about purchasing cheap tobacco products in Virginia.
The Blues are excited about the addition of Bullpen Catcher, Designated Hitter, Garrett Moore.
Moore was the runner up for the Ducks' 2007 Garrett Moore Hustle award, and the 2008 Garrett Moore Mustache award.
Slash is amazing.