Batting Practice at 12-1:15

This is why Lesher is a beast
He still has stats form an '05 Ducks Warriors game
It was a barn-burner 18-15 Ducks loss.
That kind of stuff would go well on a Warriors website if one existed.
I'd post them if i felt like creating a pdf file or something but i don't.
it's only the warriors stats anyway.
Also was the box score of a game i played on the Warriors against the Eagles.
an excerpt from the email:
Ben, I thought these games were funny to look back on. 7/17/05: The Peters brothers rolled into Herb field in the top of the first with Stein at bat. Dan Peters must have just rolled out of bed, he was actually in just a pair of shorts. 6/8/06 (You filled in for us vs. the Eagles)
then the stats.
If it seems like i gush over how far the league has come that should give you an idea of why.
guys don't wear shorts anymore, and we don't normally play on different teams.
there are also significantly fewer 18-15 games.
So whatever.
Let's avenge that 18-15 loss.
The Warriors are without Steve Heckman who is at some Gay Rights rally in Washington D.C.
He is a brave one.
This is the start of a crucial stretch for South Oakland of the North Side.
After taking a year-long furlough between games we have 3 tough ones in a row.
Let's get off to a strong start against the Rainbow Warriors, and stay hot through Monday.

Last year we lost 7-4 - i think - in a game where we had second baseman issues and gave up like 5 unearned.
The Warriors are always tough, they will have some kid who throws strikes and knows how to pitch, and a bunch of guys who can catch the ball.
and this guy
I haven't seen Wojton in ten years, is he alive?
Will Jesse Smith take some kid yard again like he did in our last game against the Warriors?
Will Watson be back from his ankle injury?
How many Doubles will Captain America hit?
Who will pitch for the Ducks?
Abe Lincoln knows...

We will find out tommorrow
We should have all Ducks on board.
Bad News for the Warriors
{This is the Ducks Blog's 300th post}
thanks to everyone who has contributed to the blog.
and most importantly, thanks for reading.
It was a barn-burner 18-15 Ducks loss.
That kind of stuff would go well on a Warriors website if one existed.
I'd post them if i felt like creating a pdf file or something but i don't.
it's only the warriors stats anyway.
Also was the box score of a game i played on the Warriors against the Eagles.
an excerpt from the email:
Ben, I thought these games were funny to look back on. 7/17/05: The Peters brothers rolled into Herb field in the top of the first with Stein at bat. Dan Peters must have just rolled out of bed, he was actually in just a pair of shorts. 6/8/06 (You filled in for us vs. the Eagles)
then the stats.
If it seems like i gush over how far the league has come that should give you an idea of why.
guys don't wear shorts anymore, and we don't normally play on different teams.
there are also significantly fewer 18-15 games.
So whatever.
Let's avenge that 18-15 loss.
The Warriors are without Steve Heckman who is at some Gay Rights rally in Washington D.C.
He is a brave one.
This is the start of a crucial stretch for South Oakland of the North Side.
After taking a year-long furlough between games we have 3 tough ones in a row.
Let's get off to a strong start against the Rainbow Warriors, and stay hot through Monday.

Last year we lost 7-4 - i think - in a game where we had second baseman issues and gave up like 5 unearned.
The Warriors are always tough, they will have some kid who throws strikes and knows how to pitch, and a bunch of guys who can catch the ball.
and this guy
I haven't seen Wojton in ten years, is he alive?
Will Jesse Smith take some kid yard again like he did in our last game against the Warriors?
Will Watson be back from his ankle injury?
How many Doubles will Captain America hit?
Who will pitch for the Ducks?
Abe Lincoln knows...

We will find out tommorrow
We should have all Ducks on board.

{This is the Ducks Blog's 300th post}
thanks to everyone who has contributed to the blog.
and most importantly, thanks for reading.