The bulldogs might know.

- Depo is most likely going to represent the Ducks at the meeting.
- Who wants to set up the 2nd annual golf outing?
- The Ducks are still looking for motivated individuals to take on some administrative duties. Such as pestering businesses for sponsorship money, arranging fund raisers, taking on some of the blogging duties, and serving as treasurer.
- Doesn't doing all that sound fun?
- The agenda of the winter meetings will include discussing realignment and other exciting issues, I'm sure.
- The pro's and cons of splitting into A, AA and rookie divisions have been beaten to death.
- I'm contemplating moving the blog to wordpress.
- There are conflicting reports about the start of East Bound and Down Season 2.
- Free rubber duck to anyone who can confirm a start date.
Any left handed pitchers, or natural center fielders who want to join the 2010 Ducks are more than welcome.
I have no idea what our team will look like next season.