Depo's a beast. I'm busy as fuck watching curling and reading books and parenting.
Check out THIS POST for info from the last league meeting.
I totally forgot about the online shit.
We're gonna have some turnover this season as Ducks leave Pitt for greener pastures.
we will have some new faces:
Kirk's brother, three kids from Jesse's fall ball team, and a few friends of mine.
I'm not posting any firm roster news until guys are paid.

Were pretty much set for new players, but there is room for any returning Duck who wants to play.
Since everyone makes the playoffs, we look to split playing time as equally as possible while making sure we put guys in position to succeed and playing to our respective strengths. I, for instance, will not play shortstop or pitch, unless the Gray Bats reform and I'm dying to take the hill.
We've got depth.
I'm pumped to be behind the wheel again.
TC retires as the most successful Ducks coach in history, and has effectively turned our team back into a winner. I have a tough act to follow.
2010 Previews to appear over spring break in March.
league managers are welcome to send me anything they'd like posted about their squads so I can take it out of context and turn it into bulletin board material.
Check out THIS POST for info from the last league meeting.
I totally forgot about the online shit.
We're gonna have some turnover this season as Ducks leave Pitt for greener pastures.
we will have some new faces:
Kirk's brother, three kids from Jesse's fall ball team, and a few friends of mine.
I'm not posting any firm roster news until guys are paid.

Were pretty much set for new players, but there is room for any returning Duck who wants to play.
Since everyone makes the playoffs, we look to split playing time as equally as possible while making sure we put guys in position to succeed and playing to our respective strengths. I, for instance, will not play shortstop or pitch, unless the Gray Bats reform and I'm dying to take the hill.
We've got depth.
I'm pumped to be behind the wheel again.
TC retires as the most successful Ducks coach in history, and has effectively turned our team back into a winner. I have a tough act to follow.
2010 Previews to appear over spring break in March.
league managers are welcome to send me anything they'd like posted about their squads so I can take it out of context and turn it into bulletin board material.