Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mandatory Team Meeting

Ducks, Saturday March 6th 3PM at Ritters Diner in Bloomfield (On Baum near the Boston Market and the Taco Bell-which i think has been closed by the health dept.) We will have a mandatory team meeting for returning players.

Mandatory in that if you want your voice heard in team decisions as far as uni's and other administrative front office type stuff you should attend.

closest thing to a picture of ducks having a meeting i could find

I'm doing my best to line things up for us to make a push for the title but i don't want to run this team like a fascist regime, so please attend. it's important.

Go America

If i haven't heard from you about playing this summer by then i will assume you are running away to join the texas rangers or something.

Bring outstanding league dues. I need $100 from everyone by the 16th of march