Before we knew it, it was the bottom of the 5th and the Ducks trailed 6-1."Ray" Finkle made a diving catch in right. South Oakland Rallied to close the gap to 6-5, in the top of the 5th.
John Tremmel went yard. Chris Feathers doubled in some guy, it was 8-5.
Dan Stell recorded a two inning save, stole a couple bases and singled.
Gwin popped-out to end the game.
We're at a crossroads here, this will either be a blip on the radar screen as we establish ourselves as an elite team, or we will dick around and be just over .500, and lose to the Gray Bats in the playoffs.
Secret Weapon vs. the Matadors.

Go Ducks.
I'll give a dollar to the first person to name the author of the quote in the title without using the internet as a resource.